It has been long proven, in numerous studies and literature, that the principal cause of most crime and violence is poverty – including relative poverty. The best way to reduce crime and violence is, therefore, eliminating poverty.

Instead, our politicians and their lobbyists have always tried to convince us that the solution to crime and violence is more police funding, more policing, and more violence. Yet, this has shown to been ineffective. As the police budget goes up, we have not seen thefts and violent crimes decrease. The police do not make our communities safer nor address the root cause of crime: poverty. They have failed at their jobs, and the solution is not more of the same.

The hallmark of a free society is governing and complying by consent – not the threat or use of force.  We must demilitarise the police and cut its budget by at least 50% and, instead, fund our communities to reduce poverty and mental distress. What remains of the police should focus on violent crimes and corporate fraud, as opposed to criminalising poverty.



It has been long proven, in numerous studies and literature, that the principal cause of most crime and violence is poverty – including relative poverty. The best way to reduce crime and violence is, therefore, eliminating poverty.

Instead, our politicians and their lobbyists have always tried to convince us that the solution to crime and violence is more police funding, more policing, and more violence. Yet, this has shown to been ineffective. As the police budget goes up, we have not seen thefts and violent crimes decrease. The police do not make our communities safer nor address the root cause of crime: poverty. They have failed at their jobs, and the solution is not more of the same.

The hallmark of a free society is governing and complying by consent – not the threat or use of force.  We must demilitarise the police and cut its budget by at least 50% and, instead, fund our communities to reduce poverty and mental distress. What remains of the police should focus on violent crimes and corporate fraud, as opposed to criminalising poverty. 

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